Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sittin' up all by Myself

This has been a busy week!  We had therapy two days and a cardiology appointment one day and on Thursday Aunt Nelda and Kate came over to play.  Kate was visiting from Franklin, TN and she and Jax have a blast together.  They threw water balloons, played indoor soccer, played outside some and ate pizza.  Aunt Nelda and I visited and played with Hoss.   After he had eaten a little baby food and been allowed (by me, don't ask) to fall out of his highchair and consequently checked all over (I could have used a cardiologist for me. He was fine.) it was time for Hoss to go to bed and have his regular feed.  Usually I plug his tube in and turn on his lullabies and as he begins to get a full tummy, he's like everybody I know after Thanksgiving dinner...OUT like a light!  Lately, he has begun to roll and squirm around in his bed and manage to get his tube to play with.

Thursday afternoon when I put him down, he was so sleepy that I was sure he'd go right out even though Kate and Jax were still in the house playing and making some noise.  After about 10 minutes, I could still hear him making noises and babbling.  He didn't sound upset, but I still decided to check on him just to be sure.  I headed back to his room expecting to find him still lying in roughly the same place I had laid him down, plugged him in and tucked his blanket around him.

Here is what I actually found!

Yep, he had figured out a new way to get to his tube!  I was so excited!  Ms. Kilbrey, his physical therapist has been working so diligently with him to get him up off his back.  He's been able to sit up for a while once we got him in that position.  He's never been able to sit up by himself.  Now we just have to get him to realize he can use his hands as well as his core muscles to keep himself from careening to the floor.  Sitting up is all fun and games until you crack your head open when you don't "stick the landing".  Today, however, we are enjoying this little victory.  

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