Sunday, August 12, 2012

He'll Be Comin' Round The Mountain When He Comes

A couple of weeks ago Jax got invited to go ride the Missionary Ridge train by his cousin, Baby Jim.  Now, Jim is two and a half, so not really a baby, but that's what Jax calls him.  I suspect Jax will call him that when Baby Jim is 45, but that will be between them.  He's truly adorable though.  See?

So, on a rainy (torrential downpour) Saturday morning in July, Jax and Vince met Baby Jim and his mom and dad at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum to ride the train.  Jax had never been to the museum or on a train ride, so it was all a first for him.  

They got their tickets and checked out some of the trains on display while waiting for their train to arrive.

Finally it was their turn to board.  The conductor came around and checked their tickets and they were off! Jax thought it felt funny when the train started to roll, but soon it was second nature and they were having a blast.   

The conductor told the history of trains and Chattanooga during the ride.

He reminds me of somebody, but I can't quite put my finger on who it is.  Maybe if I "lay a finger aside of my nose and give a nod..." it will come to me.  Or maybe that will tickle and make my "belly shake like a bowl full of jelly".  (Not one comment J.R. Fitch!)  Either way, Vince said the conductor was amazing and the narration part was really informative and interesting.  Both of my boys really enjoyed the ride and talked about the facts for days afterwards and still do when we cross railroad tracks or see a railroad trestle or hear a train or read a book or eat chicken or wash our hands or , well, they really don't need an excuse to talk about trains.

One part of the trip Jax talked about the most was the tunnel.  It is as long as three football fields and completely dark.  "I mean it, Mom.  No light at all. I was only a little afraid, but not really, but a little".  When they went through the tunnel on the way back to the depot, the boys got the best of their fears by using Vince's flashlight app on his cellphone.  

At the halfway mark of their journey, they got to watch the engine being turned around at the roundhouse.  Once they were headed back, they kicked back and enjoyed a lollipop, 'cause, you know, that's what cousins do.

Afterwards, they headed to Famous Dave's for some BBQ (BBQ loosely translated into cousin lingo means chicken fingers).  It was a beautiful way to spend a rainy day and it was a beautiful break for Mommy.  Hopefully one Saturday soon we can return the invite and have another adventure with Baby Jim.  Thank you for inviting us!!  

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