We did it! We went on a family vacation! On the Monday after Mother's Day, we loaded up and headed to Panama City Beach. GrNanny and Big Guy went with us, but Uncle Bubba and Aunt Audi didn't get to go this time. This was the first time the boys have been to the beach so we weren't really sure what to expect. You know Big Hoss doesn't always adjust to new experiences really well. For example, it took months of taking a bath before he realized he could splash and play. It took many times of him screaming the whole time we were shopping because he didn't like to ride in a shopping cart. Turns out the beach was really no different.
It didn't take long though before he was adjusting, just a little time in Daddy's arms.
Before we knew it, it was old hat...playing in the sand, riding in the dump truck, checking out things Bubba was finding in the ocean, like this crab.
It was all fun and games until the surf got him.
For me personally, I can only take so much beach. I mean really, the ocean water tastes awful if you accidentally ingest it, it burns your eyes and there are just some places that you just never want to get sand. So, I spend a good bit of time at the pool by the beach. Turns out my boys like the pool almost as much as the beach.
Of course we went out to eat and had some fabulous food. The first night we went to Angelo's Steak Pit. YUM! It was fantastic! It got too dark for us to take pictures with Gus that night so we went back the next night to make that memory.
Hoss wasn't afraid at all and even "honked" Gus' nose.
The next night we went to Captain Anderson's. It wasn't fabulous, but we still got some cute pictures and had a fun evening.
For our third night we went to Margaritaville. We had never been to a Margaritaville before, but we will go back for sure! Did you know there's one in Nashville? We all ate something different and everything was delicious. During dinner, there were stilt walkers there who were making balloon animals and hats. They were fantastic at keeping the "party" upbeat and happy.
By the way, that's about as wild and crazy as Granddaddy ever gets!
Another dining experience was Fudpuckers. Now when I say experience, let me tell you it was an experience! There is a moat under the restaurant that is full of gators! We went inside and ate gator! We all had a bite, but Granddaddy and Hoss liked it the best. When we were through eating, we went back to "Gator Island" and got to feed the gators, then Jax got to hold one! It was a true dining experience.

We also did lots of fun things that you usually do on vacation you know, the Gulfarium, miniature golf, The Miracle Strip at Pier Park, go karts, meeting celebrities.
Nothing like a little late night ice cream to keep tired boys happy! Hoss loved GrNanny's Georgia Peach and Jax had Superman flavored.
Here are my big boys taking a spin on the carousel at The Miracle Strip.
Jax spent some energy bouncing on this thing. It's like "The Blob's" that are in lakes at summer camp only instead of being in the water it was buried in the sand. He loved it and wants one for our backyard!
Jax's first time on a Ferris Wheel. He was great, even when it stopped at the top. Vince was a little less great.
Then they rode these balloons. Jax loved it! Vince, however, does not recommend eating a Cheeseburger in Paradise at Margaritaville then riding the Ferris Wheel, Carousel and Balloons back to back. Can you say Woo
Arrrrgh Matey! Praite Golf was a blast. Granddaddy got two holes in one and I spent a lot of time getting my ball out of the bushes or water.

We spent a morning at The Gulfarium in Fort Walton. Mom and I went in 1998 and loved it, so I wanted to be sure the boys got to experience it. Quite frankly, it was as wonderful as I remembered it being. Kind of like when you go back to your elementary school and everything is so much smaller than it was when you were a kid. I think because our Aquarium here is so amazing that it's hard to beat that. The one thing that saved the day was the dolphin show and sea lion show. The dolphin show was very educational (which was good since Jax missed a week of school to go to the beach) and the sea lion show was educational and fun!
Boys on the half shell!
We didn't see much wildlife actually in the ocean, which is fine with me. Jellyfish and sharks can really ruin a beach trip! One afternoon though, after we had gone back to our room for lunch and quiet time, we heard squealing from the beach and realized there were some sting rays swimming along the shore. There must not have been much to eat in the stretch of beach where we were because they didn't stick around very long.
On our next to last night there, Mom and Dad drove by Bayou Bill's Crab House and saw this sign:
So it was decided where we would eat our last night at the beach. Now y'all just have to know that my Mama, Daddy and Jax love, LOVE to watch swamp people, especially my Mama and Jax. And so it was that we pulled in the parking lot to this
Well my Mama has always told my us to act like we know what we're doing so Dad bypassed the double line of people around the building waiting to see Troy and Jacob Landry and marched himself to the hostess stand to get a table to eat. Turns out the wait for that was very short and because we were eating, he also got us a number to meet the guys. We had a fantastic supper and finished just as it was our turn to meet The Landry's. Jax got an alligator tooth necklace and had Troy sign it, and a t-shirt and the picture of him holding the gator from earlier in the week. I'm just glad it wasn't any of The Robertson's or we would have gone to camp out the night before. We ALL love the Duck Guys! As we headed to the car after meeting them, Jax declared he now wants to be a "swamp people".
Of course Jax squeezed in some go kart time while I was shopping one afternoon. I think his thumbs up kind of sums up the whole trip!
I know my boys had a blast everyday because every night this happened on the way back from supper.
Too soon it was time to pack up, snap a couple of pictures and head home. And, Ladies, if you've ever wondered how to get your big floppy sun hat home without crushing it.....
On our way out of town, we met up with Vince's sister, Carolyn, and two of our great nieces, Savannah and Jordan. Jax was thrilled to meet more cousins and we had a good visit with family we don't get to see nearly enough.
I hope y'all enjoyed sharing this glimpse of our vacation! I have learned two things from this trip. If Mama needs a vacation, taking two little ones to the beach is not the way to get it. About the time we got everyone fed, sunscreened,and down to the water, someone was hungry or had a diaper or needed a nap. The second thing is that I now need a vacation to recover from my vacation. "Welcome to motherhood" was my Mama's response as she and Dad headed to their chairs by the sea!
Just kidding, we could not have done it without them. They were so helpful with the boys and Mom and I stayed up late talking like we did when I lived at home. They treated us to many of our "extras" and we are so grateful to share these memories with them!
I'm planning to start blogging more often once school is out, so check back soon.
Love, Carie
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