Just wait 'til you hear what all has been going on! First of all, belated Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Now, on to the good stuff!
I had a great first birthday at home with my family! I know what you're thinking, "Jax already posted about his birthday". Well, I posted about my party, but my birthday was three weeks later and guess what? MORE CAKE AND BALLOONS AND PRESENTS!!! Mommy cooked spaghetti and had the family over for dinner. I even ate some spaghetti, now that I have more teeth....yummy! Then I got a tractor cake, and more presents! Uncle Bubba tried to get me to play in the cake, but I totally don't get why I would want to ruin a perfectly good piece of cake like that! I got a whole bag full of books and a learning laptop. Here are a few pictures!

We also went to the East Ridge Christmas Parade. Now, aside form being bundled up so much that I could hardly move, this was a fun night! I got to ride in my car, and dad took me up the road where they were lining all the vehicles up. There were all kinds of cars and trucks, flashing lights and sirens, dancers, a band, horses and people kept offering me candy...Mommy kept saying No Thank You. Boo Hiss! Granny and Granddaddy went with us and Granddaddy bought me a red balloon! I just love balloons!

Aunt Nelda is retiring, so we planned a surprise party. We told her it was a surprise party for Granny and Granddaddy's birthday and she bought it! She was totally surprised and said she will never trust Mommy again! And guess what....MORE CAKE hehehe!

Then along came Thanksgiving. Holy Cow! Can you say Smorgasbord? OK, neither can I, but there was tons of gooooood food . I ate Turkey, broccoli casserole, sweet potato casserole, fruit, chicken and dressing, rolls with butter, green beans, macaroni and cheese and corn on the cob! I'm gonna have to practice on the corn on the cob. Then I ate pecan pie and apple cake (you knew there would be cake). Oh yeah, the highlight of MY day...Mom dressed me in a Turkey suit. Enjoy it while you can Mama, next year I'll be able to talk and say "NO TURKEY SUIT!"

I Love a Parade, and Gatlinburg ain't bad either! We headed up for the first weekend in December as a special way to celebrate Granny and Granddaddy's 60th Birthdays! (Thank You Uncle Bubba and Aunt Audi!) Yep, you guessed it, there was cake! Mommy must have thought we were moving to Gatlinburg, because it took forever to load the truck. After a couple of hours packed in like sardines, we stopped in Knoxville at the Apple Cake Tearoom for lunch. It is one of Granny's favorite places and it was yummy. They have these little muffins...with a little butter....mmmm, not cake, but good! Then back on the road to the tip of Gatlinburg. Guess What, is had snowed earlier that week, and while the town was clear, way up where our cabin was in the mountains, there was still snow on the trees and in the woods. It was beautiful! Then we had dinner, bundled up again and watched the Gatlinburg Christmas Parade. The rest of the weekend was filled with shopping, eating and a few candid moments.

And now for Christmas! What a whirlwind! As if the parades and trip to Gatlinburg and shopping and stuff didn't kick off the season, we had a wonderful Christmas Brunch at The Mountain City Club and there was a Santa there! I was dressed to the nines, but at least I could move this time...no snow overalls and coat and boots! We ate wonderful goodies, but no cake. I didn't want to get in the car when it was time to leave!

Then came Christmas Eve, Mommy stayed home and worked on some "project" all morning while Daddy was at work. Then we baked cookies for Santa until Daddy got home, then Mommy dashed out for a couple of last minute things and left Daddy to dress me for church. He did a great job and we met Mommy at church. I was mostly good during the Christmas Eve service. I ate animal crackers and fruit chews and went back and forth between Daddy, Mommy and Granny. Then we went to Nanny's house for dinner, good food, but again no cake! I am beginning to think my family doesn't realize just how important cake is! I was so tired when we got home that I went straight to bed after setting out Santa's cookies and milk. The next morning, the whole living room was full of presents! Mommy and Daddy hed to help me with the wrapping paper. I just don't understan how come I can't tear the paper in my books or Mommy's magazines but they want me to tear the paper off of the presents? It was worth it though, there were so many fun things inside that paper! Then we went to Granny and Granddaddy's....more presents and Monkey Bread (I think I love Monkey's). I took a quick nap with Granddaddy and then we went to Nonna's...more presents and she has a dog that barks alot! Then back to Granny and Granddaddy's for Christmas dinner. Chicken Casserole, Broccoli Casserole, Squash Casserole, Macaroni and Cheese and Buttermilk Pie (helloooo.....cake?). When I began to get crazy, we headed home and ahhah, sweet sleep!

The next day, The Walker's and Aunt Nelda, Uncle Steve and Nanny all came to Granny and Granddaddy's for dinner. Hamuburgers all around! OK, I don't have that many teeth, so I had Vegetable Beef Dinner a la Gerber. Not too shabby! After dinner...MORE PRESENTS!! Lawton, Kate and Maggie were all there, so there were lots of toys and noise! Nobody seemed to mind very much and it was just a really nice evening of family and fellowship. After all the warpping paper was cleaned up, it was time for dessert...Buttermilk Pie, Derby Pie with Cool Whip (MMMmmm) and CAKE! Yes, finally, Granny made a wonderful moist, fresh Apple Cake. Whhoooo, all that food, three days of presents and family and running around, I need a nap... a very long nap! Wait, did someone say Mommy's Birthday is next month? That means Cake right? I can't wait! OK, enough for now. I'm sure you're tired of reading and Mommy is wanting to check her email. Here's a few more pictures of the family Christmas and a few candid shots! Yes, that is me in the fridge! I just learned how to step up, and that was the perfect step!
Love you all, and I promise it won't be so long next time!

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