I have been cooped up in the house for two days with a cold! Sniffles and a cough, but no fever. Today, I am really much better, but Mommy has kept me in all day just to be sure. Fortunately, Daddy had the day off and has been here playing with me most of the day! Mommy went to run some errands and when she got back, she opened the blinds and said, "Look! It's Snowing to Beat the Band!" I have no idea what that means, but she and Daddy were both very excited. They bundled me up lik ewe were going to the Frozen Tundra and we went outside! Here are some pictures of our snow adventure! We weren't out very long, and Mommy kept worrying about my hands. Dad took my mittens off so I could feel the snow...wet drops, cold, but not all that different from rain...sure got a LOT more excitement than rain! We're not getting much, maybe a half inch in higher elevations, but Mom said we should take advantage of any photo opportunity, so she took lots of pictures, so here they are! I'm posting them larger because I got some complaints about them being too small last time!

Getting Dressed to go OutsideMe and Dad in the Snow.
Look Closely and you can see the little trail I made in the snow!
Trying to catch a snowflake and wondering "What's up with Snow?"
Givin Daddy Sugar, sorry Granny, Aunt Audi and GrandJean, he got 'em all today!

I don't want to go inside!