Mmmmm Go Bananas

This is the dogwood tree at Nannny's house that Uncle Bubba used to climb.

Ooohhh Pretty Colors!

The Easter Bunny was very Good to Jax!

With Daddy, dressed for church on Masters Weekend.
Jax has had a very busy spring. We dyed Easter Eggs, had a visit from the Easter Bunny, climbed his first tree, got his first John Deere shirt, and dressed for the Masters Golf Tournament. He is growing like a weed, and weighs almost 20lbs. He is cutting two teeth and has started eating baby food. The weather has been warm enough for us to enjoy some walks and time in the yard, and Jax loves the breeze! We took him to his first horse sale and he was a little prince. We will go to his first horse show in a couple of weeks and I promise to post some new pictures after that. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy these pictures of the Hatmaker's Spring Adventures.
He's adorable! I especially love the Masters outfit! Carie---I can see a bit of you in him, finally! :)