Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Jax's First Birthday Party

Mom's getting my balloons ready!! I LOVE balloons!! I didn't even mind staying in my port-a-crib while Mom sat in the floor and blew them all up! She only let one get away, and she only popped one. Not bad Mom!

My first time on the John Deere with Dad! It wasn't running at the time, but I have learned to grunt and growl and make all kinds of vehicle noises, so I grunted and pretended it was on while Mom snapped away with the camera! Do you think my Daddy is proud of me?

Beautiful Aunt GG, Lillian and her Dad checking out the tractor and my precious friend Hayes. It is no coincidence that most of the children there were female...hey, I'm no fool!

Aunt Brenda, Uncle Gil and Uncle Bubba, My yummy cake!! and ME, checking out my cake! Not to discount everyone else that was there, but I really must rejoice at the picture of my Uncle Gil! Just three weeks earlier, he had brain surgery for an aneurysm!!! Praise the Lord he is still with us and on the mend! This was his first outing and we are all so grateful!! Check out that cake!! Mom didn't let me "play" in it because she decided it would be too hard to get me cleaned up in the pasture. But, to all you traditionalists, my actual birthday is November 24th and I am going to have my own cake to play in! Stay tuned for pictures!!

Mom, Dad and ME!! Me riding in the Barrels of Fun for the first time with Aunt GG. This was so much fun! i am so glad to be big enough to ride and that Aunt GG is still small enough to ride with me. If she were "grown up", I might have missed this chance, although, Aunt Cindy could probably have been persuaded to squeeze into a barrel one more time!

Checking out Caris' hair bow.
First Halloween
Thank You McEwen's for my Cool New Playhouse!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Halfway to November Already!??
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Investigation in Progress
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Car Guy and Disco Dancer
Love, Carie
Little Car Guy
Dad is a car guy too. Now that the weather is cooler, we sit on the front porch and talk about all the different cars going by while Mom cooks dinner. I'm trying to understand the difference in cars and trucks and SUV's. Then there are dump trucks, buses, delivery trucks, things with trailers and motorcycles. I get so confused, but Dad is so patient and just tells me every time what each vehicle is. Really, between you and me, I don't care what they are, I just think they are cool going by and I LOVE hanging out with Dad!
Hanging on the Porch with Dad
Today, Mom and I went to lunch with Granny and when we were through eating, Granny played Peek-A-Boo with her napkin. Well, I have got her number on that one. I don't Peek! I keep my head covered and wait for her to tickle me. She and Mom both get such joy from hearing me laugh! Today, mom had her little camera with us and caught this game on video. Check It Out! I'm so cute you will hardly be able to stand it!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Fun At the Fair
Boy was it hot at the fair...and dusty too! We spent most of the day in the show arena to keep me in the shade. There was lots going on, and Daddy got Elvis and Elliott all cleaned up, hitched to the cart and ready to drive in the parade. Mom took some pictures of the set up, but because it was so crowded, I didn't get to ride this time. Granny thinks I need to be a little more stable on my own before I ride in the cart with Dad. Plus, at a parade, you never know when a horse can spook!
I climbed all over Aunt Audi, drank water out of a bottle (mostly I wore it), tried to play in the dust, and entertained the crowd with laughter in between show classes.
One of the best parts of the day was when Daddy brought me a funnel cake! It was for everyone to share, but guess who got the first bite. Yummy doesn't begin to describe it this time!!! That may be the best thing they have stuck in my mouth yet!
YAWN!!! Going to bed for now...will post more later this week. There are some fun pictures from learning to drive the cart and just some general pictures to add...getting sleepy...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Happy Little Hatmaker

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Sunday, August 17th was Daddy's birthday. It was kind of low key. Just the family and some pizza. I, of course, stole the show, especially since I was wearing my Superman Suit!
I was able to leap tall toys in a single bound, faster than a crawling baby, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's SUPERBABY!! Happy Birthday Daddy! I love you!